Risa is a multi-faceted artist and spirit guide based in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. Her work is transformational in nature and she speaks English, Spanish, Light and Star and facilitates altered states of consciousness and their followed integration.

Working for 2 decades as both a makeup artist and photographer, her technical foundation came through working in the beauty and fashion industries in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Though the ignition of a desire to enter those industries and cultivate her skillset came from art therapy as a means to express and transmute energy when she had Leukemia as a young adult. Unable to engage with reading or watching any sort of screen while in recovery at home, art, and primarily makeup, face paint and photography enabled her to channel the myriad of emotions and existential crisis she went through.

Born a shadow worker, Risa has provided spiritual coaching for most people in her life long before stepping onto the path professionally and finds great honor in holding space and acting as a catalyst for others who desire grand transformation in their lives. As an evolutionary astrologer, Risa uses this language along with various modalities of energy work and shamanic practices to support those she works with. She loves to teach highly sensitive beings and those going through awakenings as a means to support their embodiment of divine organic coding.

In the western astrological realm, Risa was born a Scorpion Sun conjunct Uranus making her a potent channel for both the subconscious and higher realms that she’s put into practice over the last 3 decades. Her ascendant is in Libra conjunct Saturn and Jupiter; she is a teacher from both the future and ancient past here to help humanity cultivate greater self awareness, remember their power and structure their lives in a way that supports their unique expression. For each empowered being strengthens the collective and we all rise together.

In the realm of Human Design, Risa is a Reflector. Reflectors have no energy centers of their own filled and because of that, her aura is magnetic and she accurately samples the auras of the environments she is in and those she engages with, allowing her to effectively intuit and mirror back what she is presented with. With less than 1% of the population existing as a Reflector, her path has not always been the easiest as we are coming out of a time period where society has been built to numb and escape the senses rather than treasure them. She uses the wisdom she cultivates to help others understand both their strengths and weaknesses along with illuminate the unconscious patterns that potentially stand in the way of the goals they wish to achieve.

Risa believes in sovereignty and honoring our path to blissful liberated and embodied creation. She loves to help people remember.